
clock icon 5 minutes
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This video will provide a brief overview of what the Tiny Tummies module will include in terms of information for parents of infants.

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Module 1: How do I know when my baby is ready for solid foods?

clock icon 5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about how to know when your baby is ready for solid foods.

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Module 1a: How do I know when my baby is ready for solid foods? (gamification version)

clock icon 8.5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about how to know when your baby is ready for solid foods.


Module 2: How do I introduce cereal and solid foods to my baby?

clock icon 5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about what foods to provide to your baby first as they begin eating solid foods.

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Module 3: How do I know when my baby is hungry or full?

clock icon 5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about what signs to look for to know if your baby is hungry or full.

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Module 4: Are there certain foods I should avoid giving my baby?

clock icon 5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about what foods or beverages you should avoid giving your baby in their first year.

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Module 5: What should I know about food allergies?

clock icon 5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about what foods may cause food allergies in your baby and signs of a food allergy.

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Module 6: How do I know if my baby is meeting feeding milestones?

clock icon 5 Minutes
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This video will provide information about what your baby should be able to do on their own as it relates to feeding and at what timeframe during their first year.

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